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Our history

October 2007Establishment of the Institute of Maritime Law
November 2007Activity of the case study group started.
September 2008The 1st East Asia Maritime Law Forum (Waseda University)
October 2008The 1st Anniversary
November 2008Visit to Dalian Maritime University in China for the preparation of collaborative research
March 2009The 1st Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Waseda University)
April 2009“Maritime Law Course” as a master course for businessmen started
May 2009“EAST ASIA MARITIME LAW STUDY Vol.1” was published.
Activity of the maritime criminal law study group started.
July 2009The 2nd Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Dalian Maritime University)
September 2009The 2nd East Asia Maritime Law Forum (Dalian Maritime University)
October 2009The 2nd Anniversary
November 2009Activity of the Ship Finance Law Study Group started.
December 2009The 3rd Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Waseda University)
April 2010The 2nd batch of students were enrolled to the Maritime Law Course
Activity of the Maritime Insurance Law Study Group started.
July 2010The 4th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Dalian Maritime University)
October 2010The 3rd Anniversary (Activities of the Institute for the last three years were reported at the anniversary party.)
November 2010The 3rd East Asia Maritime Law Forum in Seoul
December 2010The 5th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Waseda University)
April 2011The 3rd batch of students were enrolled to the Maritime Law Course
July 2011The 6th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Dalian Maritime University)
September 2011The 4th East Asia Maritime Law Forum (Waseda University)
October 2011The 4th Anniversary
April 2012The 4th batch of students were enrolled to the Maritime Law Course
April 2012The 1st Study Meeting on Japan-China Maritime Merchant Law Theory (Waseda University)
June 2012Ship Finance Law Symposium 2012 (Waseda University)
June 2012“The Law of Maritime Collision (senpaku shototsu ho)” was published (in Japanese) from Seibundo Publishing.
July 2012The 7th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Waseda University)
The 2nd Study Meeting on Japan-China Maritime Merchant Law Theory (Waseda University)
October 2012The 5th Anniversary
November 2012The 5th East Asia Maritime Law Forum (Dalian)
April 2013The 5th batch of students were enrolled to the Maritime Law Course
July 2013The 8th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Dalian Maritime University)
October 2013The 6th Anniversary
November 2013The 6th East Asia Maritime Law Forum (Korea)
December 2013The 2nd Study Meeting on Japan-China Maritime Merchant Law Theory (Peking University)
March 2014The 8th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Waseda University)
April 2014The 6th batch of students were enrolled to the Maritime Law Course
July 2014The 10th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Dalian Maritime University)
October 2014The 7th Anniversary
November 2014The 7th East Asia Maritime Law Forum (Waseda University)
April 2015The 7th batch of students were enrolled to the Maritime Law Course
July 2015The 11th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Waseda University)
October 2015The 8th Anniversary
The 8th East Asia Maritime Law Forum (Dalian Maritime University)
April 2016The 8th batch of students were enrolled to the Maritime Law Course
July 2016The 11th Japan-China Collaborative Research Meeting (Dalian Maritime University)

Copyright (C) 2012 Institute of Maritime Law, Waseda University